Marius honored with the Eklund Award

Marius Jurgensen, fourth year graduate student in the group has been given the department’s Peter Eklund award.  As part of the award, he will give a 20-minute talk to the whole department during the regular colloquium time.  This is a competitive award and well deserved.  Congrats Marius!

Kyle Linn awarded the David Bohm award

Kyle Linn, an undergraduate student researcher in our group who worked closely with former graduate student Sachin Vaidya (now a postdoc at MIT) and Christina Jörg (now a Juniorprofessor at TU-Kaiserslautern) has been awarded the David Bohm award. The David Bohm Award recognizes “…a graduating senior Physics major who has excelled academically and who has made contributions to Penn State outside the classroom in areas such as research or service to Penn State at the department, College, or University level.”  Huge congratulations Kyle!